Rules For Driving With A Trailer

2 min read

There is a lot to consider when towing a trailer, from the safety of yourself and other road users to whether or not what you’re doing is even legal. To avoid falling foul of the law, here are some of the rules surrounding towing:

  • Vehicles all have a maximum weight that they can tow so be sure to check what the manufacturer states as the maximum weight for your car. The weight from towing can affect a vehicle’s braking and handling so avoid damage by sticking to the guidance. The maximum width for any trailer is 2.55m and the maximum length for a vehicle up to 3500kg is 7m.

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  • The weight that can be towed is dependent on the vehicle. When you’re considering towing, you’ll need to consider the weight of the goods to be towed, the normal weight of the empty trailer and the vehicle’s maximum towing allowance. The combined weight must not exceed the vehicle’s towing capacity. When you need Trailer Parts, contact a site like
  • The main bulk of the load weight should be positioned towards the front of the trailer. This reduces the danger of jack-knifing or snaking.

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  • When reversing, never do so without first checking there is no one behind you. Reversing with a trailer has a huge blind spot so ideally you should have someone available to help guide you when reversing.
  • In terms of speed, when driving with a trailer you are limited to 50mph on a single carriageway and 60mph on a motorway.

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