Three Renewable Forms of Power for your Home

2 min read

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint and live in a more sustainable home, then how your energy to power your home is produced is one of the most important things to consider. Reducing your carbon footprint this way also has the added advantage of reducing your energy bills, so it is worth thinking about if you want to reduce your energy costs in the future too.

Here are some forms of renewable energy for you to research further for your home…

Solar Power – Also known as PV, this is where solar panels are used to capture the power form the sun where it can then be converted to energy for your home. The panels are normally attached to the roof of your property but can be placed in other locations – the key to this is making sure that you have positioned them in a place to collect enough energy from the sun. Speak to a professional like this solar panel installation Burnham based company who will be able to answer your questions.

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Biomass – These are heating systems that work by burning materials such as wood chips to provide heat. Like a gas boiler they can provide both heating and hot water. They produce much less carbon emissions and can also reduce your heating bills significantly, something that would benefit us all in the winter!

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Air Source Heat Pumps – These are a way of taking heat from the air outside and using it in the home. The way they work is very similar to a fridge, but obviously a reverse of this! It doesn’t have to be warm outside for them to work either, they work even when temperatures outside are well below zero!


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