Being proactive and guarding against criminal activity, even in the beautiful City of Worcester.

2 min read

The beautiful City of Worcester is flanked by the majestic River Severn and overlooked by their magnificent Cathedral.  With a growing population of over 103,000 Worcester is a very popular place to live, work and raise a family.  Even though there is a relatively moderate crime rate here the residents are being proactive and have enlisted a local company like who specialise in  CCTV Worcester to install a range of CCTV cameras on their homes and businesses. The city attracts thousands of tourists and foreign visitors every year and though that brings a great deal of prosperity to the area it can also bring a more sinister criminal element.

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With a visible police presence, the CCTV cameras and intruder alarms, the career criminals are avoiding the area, which as a consequence is now relatively safe and crime free.  Being able to use the footage captured by these modern, high-tech cameras the police are able to follow through with apprehending criminals and then their prosecutions.

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Royal Worcester Porcelain established in 1751, is famous around the world and the city is proud to be classified as home to possibly the oldest English porcelain brand remaining in the country. The luxury tableware and giftware brand of fine china produced here is expensive so the management team have had a wide range of security precautions installed at the factory, including several CCTV cameras.

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