The First Timer’s Guide to an African Safari

2 min read

Safaris in Africa are a magical and unforgettable experience. If this is your first safari, then you’ll want to make sure that it is remembered for the right reasons. Before you take off on your first safari to the wild and magical land of Africa, here are some things to keep in mind.

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Clothing – Although it will be warm, pack like you’re going on a safari, not a beach trip. There is no need to wear formal clothes, as clothing should be comfortable and useful when you’re out and about. For watching wildlife, stick to neutral colours. Don’t forget a lightweight waterproof jacket . It may rain. Walking boots with closed toes are recommended. If you’re trekking in Africa, you never know what you might come across. You may run into a poisonous plant or snake.

Remember the sun. A wide-brimmed hat will keep you protected from the hot sun. Don’t forget to bring insect repellent and a sun cream with a high protection factor. You may need a warm fleece to keep you warm at night. You should also carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated throughout the day. This will prevent you from getting sunstroke or dehydration and missing out on a part of your trip. Take a good camera if you want to record on film the amazing animals that you come across. For advice on Tanzania Safari Lodges, go to

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Remember to have fun and to be patient. You may not see everything you hoped to on a particular day, but you could see something spectacular the next. Remember to bring your binoculars.


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