What type of storage system is right for your warehouse?

2 min read

Choosing the right storage solutions for your warehouse will depend on the type of stock you handle, both now and in the future. You can choose a single system or combine more than one to come up with a tailor-made system for your business.

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The right storage solutions will ensure that space is used as effectively as possible, work processes are simplified and your business is as efficient as possible. There are many different types of storage solutions but these are some of the most common:

Automated systems

These allow items to be retrieved and stored with the help of a mechanical arm controlled by a computer. This is the ideal solution for retrieving smaller items which may take human pickers some time to find.

Pallet racking

Pallet racking, available from companies such as www.rackzone.ie/pallet-racking, is one of the most popular choices. As well as efficiency, it can offer a hugely affordable option, especially if you choose to invest in used pallet racking.

Block stacking

This does not require you to buy additional storage equipment as it simply involves stacking products. It can be inefficient, however, such as when items at the bottom of a pile need to be accessed.

Pallet flow

Pallet flow works using conveyor belts, normally within a framework of pallet racking. This removes the need for forklifts and means that pickers can stand in one spot and unload goods from multiple containers.

Push back storage

Once again, pallet racking is used and the system works in a similar way to a vending machine. One product takes the place of another when it has been removed. This is normally used on a larger scale than pallet flow and usually involves the use of forklifts.

Picking area

Individual pickers or teams can be set up in a specific area surrounded by the items they will need. This is usually the best choice for smaller items as it is not good for large goods that would be unsafe to store at excessive height. More information about warehousing and storage safety can be found at http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg412.pdf.


This works on a carousel system accessed from a single location and is ideal for the likes of pharmaceutical items. An integrated automated system monitors the products and the system moves automatically to where the required product is.

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