How is CCTV used in communities?

CCTV or ‘closed circuit television’ cameras are an increasingly common sight across most areas of the country nowadays, whether that be in streets and car parks, in residential settings or in shopping and dining areas. Some areas such as London have considerable CCTV coverage of CCTV now. The CCTV network in London includes the whole of the underground tube network and most major streets, as well as all bus shelters.

CCTV can be installed, owned and monitored by a variety of organisations, including local councils, the police, or transport agencies. Of course, private owners can also have CCTV installed, for example to monitor activity surrounding their home or business premises, and some guidelines can be found on ICO’s website.

Why is CCTV everywhere?

The idea of CCTV on the whole is to keep the general public safe. This largely occurs in one of two ways. Firstly, by making the actual CCTV cameras themselves clear and apparent – their very presence acts as an excellent deterrent to anyone who was planning to commit a crime or anti-social behaviour. If would-be criminals know that the whole thing will be caught on camera, it makes communities safer.

Secondly, CCTV can be a really useful tool for reviewing events after they have taken place. Indeed, police can request access to any local CCTV and this can even be used as evidence in court if needed. So if a crime has taken place, the CCTV can be reviewed by the police to locate evidence which may help to prosecute any individuals responsible. In the community, this gives an overall feeling of safety.

If you’re considering CCTV Swindon or your specific location, a specialist such as can help you select and install the most appropriate package of CCTV for your requirements.

What are the other benefits of CCTV?

CCTV also has the added benefit of providing economic reassurance to communities. By making high streets and shopping areas safer, businesses have the opportunity to thrive without the threat of petty criminals causing a problem.

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