As January draws to a close and February arrives, people start to feel more cheerful and look forward to more pleasant weather and longer hours of daylight, allowing you to spend more time outdoors.
This is also the time to take care of the home and garden. This winter we have had a lot of big storms sweep across the country, and although you might not have noticed any damage, now is the time to check if any has been caused by the bad weather over the winter.
Spotting damage and dealing with it now means that you only will have a minor repair to do whereas leaving it could make it a much larger and more expensive job.
Here are some of the things that you should check…
Fencing – Garden fences are one of the most common casualties of strong winds and rain and can be damaged if not blown down. Look for signs of weakness to the fence, check the fence posts and look for any holes or signs of rot.
The Roof – The roof is another part of the home that is very exposed to the weather and what you need to keep you warm and dry. Check the roof for things like gutter damage or missing tiles – if you suspect a problem with the roof, get a professional like this roofing Gloucester based company to come and check it fully.
The Garden – At this time of the year your garden needs a lot of attention – debris like leaves may need to be tidied up, and if you have a patio, now is the time to give it a good wash.
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