Human resources management indicators are one of the most important variables for measuring the effectiveness of a company. A company is as good as the people who work on it. It is for this reason that having indicators that allow us to measure the quality of each of our workers and collaborators is one of the keys to guarantee the achievement of our objectives.In this post we will talk about the three indicators of human resources management that we consider most important: curricular and experiential training, emotional and stress index and level of involvement and motivation.
Of the indicators of human resources management, the curricular and experiential training is the one that more attention is usually given. And not without reason, since the curriculum of a person tells us what their professional skills are and gives us guarantees about them.
However, we should not look only at university degrees. There are, for example, many graduates in Audiovisual Communication with a self-taught ability that has allowed them to learn on their own complex programming languages such as PHP that can be very useful in the technological tasks of your company.
In this sense, sometimes the curriculum and the titles only show us the iceberg point of the experiential training. An interview with a person who calls you saying that your level of PHP is exceptional well deserves an interview in which you can find out if it exaggerated or not. If you did, you would have lost half an hour of your time; But if you said the truth, you will have gained a powerful asset for your company.
Curricular and experiential training is not everything. It is useless for a person to have a great deal of knowledge and experience in a particular area if at the time of putting them into action he is overcome by frustration and stress. That is why the emotional and stress index is another of the human resources management indicators that we recommend you always take into account when deciding to have a person to work in your company.
Eye, stress does not always have to be bad. There are people who work, and in fact prefer to work, under pressure and with stress. They are more productive as well. So, what you should value as a human resources management indicator is not that a person stresses easily, but how that stress affects their work.
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The last of the indicators of human resources management that we would like to highlight is the level of involvement and motivation, not less important than the previous ones.
Suppose you need a computer programmer for your company. You have found a person with excellent knowledge and experience in programming languages, and who is not frustrated and working under pressure and stress makes you achieve better results in less time. A priori, any company would want such a worker, right?
The problem is that there are many people who, despite fulfilling this profile, skip the third key indicator of human resources management. If a person is not involved and motivated, that is, he does not feel fulfilled in his work, it is very likely that he will abandon you as soon as another job offer gets better paid or that attracts him more. That is why the level of involvement and motivation is one of the indicators of management and human resources that you must evaluate if you do not want to be continuously changing workers and forming a different person each month in your culture and business philosophy.
In summary: the three indicators of human resources management that we have discussed in this post will allow you to not only choose the right people but also save a lot of your time. And, as you know, the time for your company is money.
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