Top 10 Natural Dyes for Easter Eggs

4 min read

It’s so rewarding to make chocolate Easter eggs at home, especially when the results are as good as this. And it’s also a great way to have fun in the kitchen, especially when you can get little ones involved too. Easy to use, our Easter Eggs Mould includes molds to make 2 large and 36 mini eggs, which will look really professional when presented as gifts.

Anyone receiving a homemade egg made in these molds is sure to appreciate the care and time you’ve put in, but they’re actually surprisingly simple to make – just melt, mold, and decorate.

Here are the Top 10 Natural Dyes for Easter Eggs

1. Red-brick color: onion peel

2 cups of water will be enough husks with 8-10 medium bulbs. Lower the husk into the water and cook over low heat for 30-50 minutes, and then cool. In the boiled water, boil the eggs hard. Make sure that the eggs are completely covered with water, and turn them a couple of times – so the paint will lie more evenly. If the color seems pale, leave the eggs in the broth for the night.

2. Yellow color: Turmeric

To a liter of hot water, add 2-3 tablespoons of turmeric, boil for 15-20 minutes, and cool. In a ready-made solution of eggs, you can either boil them hard-boiled or soak them overnight. When cooking, the color will be more saturated, with soaking – tenderer.

3. Green: spinach

For 2 cups of water, take a generous bunch of fresh spinach or a half-pack frozen, and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water. Boil for 5 minutes, and then cool. For a light-green color, immerse the eggs in a spinach broth for the night. For a more saturated – boil hard-boiled directly in the solution.

4. Blue color: red cabbage

One cabbage head is lowered into 1 liter of water, add 6 tablespoons of vinegar and leave the solution overnight. The next day, dip the boiled eggs into it and keep the night in the refrigerator.

5. Red color: cranberries

Packing of frozen cranberries – about 2.5 cups – grind in a mortar or grind in a blender and pour water. In the resulting pulp cook the hard-boiled eggs, and then cool and leave overnight.

6. Pink color: Beet

Cut three-four beets with slices or crumble them into a small cube, and fill it with a liter of cold water. Boil eggs and if necessary, leave in a cool solution for the night.

7. Violet color: blueberry juice

Take blueberries – can be frozen – grind and rub them over a fine sieve or gauze. Press the juice. From 2.5 cups of berries, you get about a glass of juice.

Boil the eggs in juice for 6 hours or at night.

8. Dark purple color: grape juice

Extrude the juice from the grapes of dark varieties and boil or dilute with boiling water. Cooldown.

Boil eggs in the juice for several hours or at night.

9. Chocolate color: coffee.

Cook strong coffee. You can take a soluble: based on a teaspoon for 1 egg.

In warm coffee, put the boiled eggs and leave for 6 hours or overnight.

10. Orange color: paprika

For a glass of water, take 4 tablespoons of paprika, boil for 30 minutes, and cool the broth. In a ready solution, boil raw eggs or leave them already boiled for the night.

Easter dye.

Natural dyes are unstable. Once the paint has been laid down more exactly, carefully wash eggs with soap and a sponge. In the cooking water, add salt and table vinegar: one tablespoon per 1.5-2 liters of water. Finished eggs cool in the icy water, gently dry with a napkin and grate with vegetable oil to give the shell a festive shine.

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