A car is a complex engineering and technical device, the design of which involves a large number of elements. However, as they are in operation, some of them are subject to severe wear and tear, requiring thorough repair or replacement. For example, car thresholds are considered one of the most vulnerable parts of any motor vehicle. They are at the bottom of the machine, so they are often exposed to moisture, which is why rust is primarily formed on them.
Most of all thresholds suffer in the winter. At this time, tons of sand-salt mixture is thrown onto the roads. Such baths cause minor damage, turning the bottom of the machine into a solid center of corrosive metal.
Damaged thresholds, eaten by rust, will not only damage the appearance of your car but will also cause a violation of its stability. Therefore, the inspection must be carried out after the end of the winter season, and if you find damage to the bottom, then this repair should not be postponed until later.
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Types of car thresholds
There are two types of car thresholds:
- Removable – one of the most common varieties. They are attached by welding, which turns them into a single hole at the bottom of the car. Automakers often use such an element to improve the rigidity of the body. But at the same time, this constructive solution has a significant drawback – it does not allow the replacement of the damaged area if necessary. The only repair option is the restoration of the metal surface;
- Non – removable – more practical and convenient to use. They are installed in the car interior, attaching screws to the base of the body. These components create effective protection, protecting the bottom of the body from small stones, flying out from under the wheels or other damages. The huge advantage of removable thresholds is that they can be easily dismantled and replaced with new ones at any time.
If the thresholds of your car require repair, then this procedure is quite possible to conduct independently, regardless of their type.
A simple way to repair
Of course, removable rapids repair much easier. To do this, you need to unscrew all fasteners, dismantle, and then in any convenient place to remove corrosion from the surface of the metal.
After the repair, they are back mounted to the bottom of the car and then primed and painted.
If these elements prove to be badly damaged, then you will simply need to replace them with new ones. As practice shows, all these manipulations take no more than a couple of days. The problem is that this species is rare.
How to fix non-removable thresholds?
As for non-removable car thresholds, their repair may not be as difficult as you imagined. In fact, much depends on the nature and extent of the damage.
If you need to get rid of rust, the order of actions will look like this:
- Removal of foci of corrosion – carried out by a grinder with a grinding disc. Work should be careful, so as not to damage the metal even more. Clean the surface until a shiny metal appears;
- decreasing the working surface – for this use an ordinary solvent, which must be carefully applied using gloves, and also following other safety measures;
- Epoxy glue application – first the glue is kneaded with the hardener, but to ensure that this process does not flow too quickly use a small amount of aluminum powder. The resulting mixture is evenly applied to the working surface, and then pieces of fiberglass are applied, and then pressed with a roller. This will help remove excess air as well as glue. All this is left for about 12 hours until the mixture dries completely.
If dents were found on the surface of the thresholds, then this can be corrected by means of a special hood. If the lesions have an average gravity, then another method is used. Usually, it all boils down to the fact that a small window in the form of a square is cut from the side. This will facilitate access to the damaged area. You will also need a hydraulic tool, an extractor, and an anvil, with which you can get rid of all the damages. After completing all the actions, the window is brewed.
If you do not have confidence in your abilities, desire to buy a special tool or time to solve all these issues, then the body service produced by specialists will help you.
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Remove the consequences of repairs
The final stage is the smoothing of all the roughnesses with sandpaper, as well as putting, priming and painting the repaired area. The latest procedure is the application of an anti-corrosion protection.
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