The car is a complex mechanism, equipped with a huge amount of parts. Of course, sooner or later, one of these devices can break down, cause a crash or cause a problem while driving on the road and engine overheating can become one of them.
In fact, this problem is familiar to many drivers. And if it has not yet arisen with you, then you could meet other cars on the road, from under the hood of which gray smoke escaped. This situation is quite dangerous and can lead to serious consequences, up to the fact that you will need an expensive overhaul of the power plant.
There are many reasons that can lead to engine overheating: hot weather, too low a coolant level, a long trip, heavy traffic, etc. Basically, it all comes down to a malfunction of the cooling system, although often the problem is the driver’s inattention. That’s why you need to regularly check the level of the coolant, as well as the monitor during the movement for temperature sensors and do not cross the critical point.
Determine the cause of engine overheating
What to do when the engine overheats there are different symptoms that may indicate that the motor has started to overheat. The inexperienced driver does not immediately manage to navigate, but if you keep this list in mind, then you can take timely measures and not exacerbate the situation even more:
- From time to time, look at the temperature sensor. If you notice that the arrow began to rapidly approach the red zone, then immediately turn to the shoulder and stop. Let your engine cool down and start checking the cooling system;
- The uncharacteristic sound that occurs when the gas pedal is pressed can also indicate engine overheating. This problem is also called detonation;
- The most dangerous situation is the appearance of steam or smoke coming from the engine compartment. In this situation, you cannot delay with a stop. If the car will work in this mode for at least a few minutes, then you will have serious consequences.
To the list of the main reasons that these symptoms can cause, include the following:
- The leakage of antifreeze is a common cause. You need to carefully inspect the inside of the machine to detect the place of leakage;
- Banal mud is another common cause. If you are sure that there are no leaks, then check the radiator. Because of the accumulated debris, the flow of air is blocked, so the system can not evenly distribute the temperature. As they say, cleanliness is a guarantee of health, but in this case – a pledge of the car’s efficiency;
- The failure of the thermostat may also cause the motor to overheat. To check the quality of its operation, heat the engine, and then gently touch the radiator or hose. If they are cold, then you have found the cause of the breakdown;
- Malfunction of the water pump – not a very frequent phenomenon. But if there is a problem with it, this will lead to a violation of the movement of the liquid in the cooling system;
- The motor can also overheat due to a fan failure. He has a fairly long service life, but if this part is broken, then you will not be able to repair it yourself, you have to go to the SRT.
Do not aggravate the situation
It should also be remembered that there are different degrees of engine overheating, which can lead to different consequences:
- Weak – lasts no more than 5-10 minutes. In this case, you cannot wait for strong troubles. Here, the faulty thermostat or fan is usually responsible for the problem. If you react quickly and in time to muffle the engine, then the worst thing that will happen to you – little-melted pistons;
- Average – lasts more than 20 minutes. At this stage, the consequences will be more tangible: the curvature of the cylinder head, the cracks of the cylinder head, the burnt gaskets of the cylinder head, the destruction of the inter-ring partitions on the pistons, etc. But these are all minor details compared to the last stage;
- Strong – is equivalent to a “heart attack” for the car. Here the damage becomes large scale and affects virtually all components of the power plant. It’s good that now in the machines there are various systems, because of which the engine simply stalls. But if you continue to move in this mode, then it can explode. In such a situation, the pistons melt, the oil burns, all rubbing parts are destroyed, and the valves fly out the crankshaft breaks. That is, the engine actually falls apart.
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The quieter you go, the further you’ll get
To repair the engine after the last stage of overheating, you will have to invest a huge amount. Although in many situations it is easier to install a new unit. In order that you do not have to face such serious consequences, stick to the following plan of action:
- Immediately stop and muffle the engine, then open the hood and let it cool down and the smoke stops;
- Then check the coolant level, but do so carefully so as not to get burns;
- If the coolant is not enough – add the missing amount, you can even add water in situations where you do not have a stock with you, and there are no shops with auto chemistry nearby;
- Again try to start the engine, and at the same time check the operation of the thermostat.
What to do when the engine is overheated If the problem could not be solved independently, then there it will be necessary to immediately go to the service center. You can do it yourself, but you will have to constantly stop and allow the engine to cool down. It takes a long time, so be patient.
To prevent the engine from overheating too quickly, turn off the air conditioner, open the windows, and turn on the stove and blower fan. This will help distribute heat more efficiently. You can also switch to neutral gear and increase the speed to increase water circulation. We recommend that you go as smoothly as possible so that you do not have to accelerate or slow down bravely.
If this option does not suit you, then use the help of third-party drivers or you should call an evacuator that will take your car to the repair station.
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