The most common rental property repairs

2 min read

If you’re considering investing in a rental property, then you’ll know the perks they offer. However, they also need a lot of care, attention and constant maintenance. As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to ensure fixtures and fittings are up to standard and all repairs are carried out.

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Many homeowners choose block and estate management companies to handle their property. It saves time, stress and gives landlords peace of mind Here are the most common rental repairs.


Most appliances are central to daily living and repairs need to be carried out quickly. If an appliance needs to be replaced, then buying second hand can save you a lot of money. Ensure anything you buy is safety checked and works properly.


Leaks can cause severe damage to a property and an increase in water bills. It’s usually caused by a drain issue and can be fixed easily.

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Hot water

Nothing annoys tenants more than a cold shower and most expect hot water issues to be resolved immediately. The water heater may need to be repaired by a plumber or even replaced. Block and estate management companies usually have a list of contractors available at short notice. If you’re interested in sourcing a reputable organisation, you can find Block and Estate Management through Complete Property Group.


Even if it’s your tenant’s fault, you need to take care of pests and bugs in the property. You should always explain to the tenant how their actions are attracting bugs, but you also need to find a pest management company.

Blocked toilets

If your tenant has a blocked toilet, then it’s their job to fix it. However, if the bath and sink are blocked, then you’ll need to find the route of the problem. There might be damage to the sewer system and plumbing, so a professional is often required.

Running toilets

Your tenants will notice a big increase in their water bills if the toilet is running. It’s a simple fix and often involves replacing the flapper.

You can estimate how much annual repairs will cost by factoring in 1% of the property price. If a property costs £200,000 then keep £2,000 a year spare. Owning a property can be great if you take the necessary precautions.

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