The Role of a School in the Local Community

2 min read

A school’s role in the local community is a vitally important one. Working with parents, business owners, and other local stakeholders can help make a school more attractive to students and increase access to education. Ultimately, a school’s role in the community is to benefit everyone who lives in that community and even beyond.

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However, there are a number of challenges to the school’s role in the local community. Some school communities, particularly those in rural areas, are suffering from a high level of social and economic deprivation. In some cases, the school’s governing body may even be serving the interests of outside stakeholders at the expense of local residents.

Community involvement is an essential part of a successful school, but it must be intentionally planned. Parents and community members should be comfortable sharing concerns and ideas with the school. The traditional approach of distributing flyers asking residents to come to a community meeting at the school is unlikely to succeed. Instead, the school can seek community involvement by hosting events in the community that are open to all.

A great website is another way that schools can make themselves more accessible. For details on the importance of Websites for schools, try visiting a site such as

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Schools are the beating heart of the communities they serve. From parents of young children to teenagers and those employed by the school and governors, there are many different generations and sectors of the community involved in the day to day running of the establishment.

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