Moving tips for last-minute moves

2 min read
  1. Begin with the
    Last-minute moves can make every task appear both urgent and impossible to complete. You can easily feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. Take a deep breath and start crossing things off your list.
    You can either hire a moving company to help you or rent a van. You’ll need to decide if you want professional help or if you plan to move yourself. For a Removal Company Cheltenham, contact

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2. Plan your move
Decide what you will do before moving day. Start by using moving check lists. List the tasks that need to be completed (ignoring time frames since you are short on time). You can include tasks that are specific to your situation.
Next, based on the time remaining before the move, divide the tasks into those that must be completed immediately, those that can wait for a few weeks, and the ones you need to complete in the days prior to the move.

3. Think outside the box
When faced with a last minute move, packing is likely to be the first thing on your mind. Before you start packing your boxes or decluttering, you need to do the following.
Utilities – You will need to turn off your utilities in your current home, and start them up again in your new home. You may not have electricity or water when you move in.
Medical Records: You’ll have to find a dentist and doctor if you are moving from the area. Be sure to collect your dental and medical records before you leave. Owners of pets should also gather their animal’s vet records.

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4. Get rid of things that you don’t use.
Packing will be easier if you don’t have as much to do. Easy packing is essential for a move that takes place at the last minute. Pull out all the items that you don’t want or need from your home or apartment. Sort these items into three piles – donate, recycle and throw away.

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