How to Handle Nerves

2 min read

Preparing for a big presentation can be nerve-racking. Often, the excitement of presenting something important causes heightened nervousness. However, you can use that nervous energy in a productive way to engage your audience and convey a message.

The first step to handling nerves is to make sure you’ve prepared well. Practice making your presentation more comfortable by rehearsing it before the big day. This can help you stay calm and composed during the presentation.

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Try to accept your nervousness. It can feel counter-intuitive, but ignoring them will only make them worse. Nervousness shows that you care about the task at hand. And when you care, you tend to do better than others. So, instead of denying yourself the feeling of nervousness, try to accept it and focus on achieving the goal. You can do this by using positive self-talk, visualising, or listening to uplifting music. If you need help from Public speaking courses, visit

To deal with nerves, you must understand the difference between anxiety and nervousness. Anxiety is a response to a specific stimulus, while nervousness is a general feeling that affects your daily life. People with anxiety disorders often experience this feeling on a consistent basis. While nervousness is normal for everyone, having a serious anxiety disorder is a different matter. You might be nervous for a variety of reasons, but it is important to distinguish between the two.

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Although nerves are normal for anyone, the best players are able to deal with them. In fact, a study from 2014 suggests that sharing your feelings with others reduces stress. Talking with someone about your stress can help you think more logically, while practising relaxation techniques can relieve physical tension.


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