How to ace an interview

2 min read

Interviews are your opportunity to show the company you have applied to work with, your strengths and experience that make you perfect for their vacancy. Interviews can be undertaken in a number of ways. Directly with the company, through a procurement recruitment agency or other agency. They can take the standard format of one to one interviews or be based around a panel. The style of the interview set up will depend very much on the job role that you are applying for and the seniority of the position.

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Here are two simple things that you can do to ace an interview.

Preparation – this is a key component to making the most of your interview time. Not only should you ensure that you have chosen your interview outfit beforehand, but you should also prepare some answers to standard interview questions and also have a look at the company online and find out a little bit about how they operate.

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Authentic – it is important that you are authentic in your interview and share with the interviewer your strengths and expertise and also not to bluff your way through any areas that you’re uncertain on. You can turn these kinds of questions into a positive by noting that you are keen to learn and progress. There is no point lying about your capabilities as it will soon be found out if you are successful in the appointment.

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