Three Hot New Ideas for Gastro Pubs

3 min read

Hundreds of new eateries open every week in the UK, and many won’t survive their first year. By keeping up with the latest food trends, however, you can ensure you’re the talk of the town. As well as ensuring you are serving the highest quality food produced with great ingredients you should think about the decor of your restaurant or gastro pub and the crockery and Restaurant Cutlery that you are using. All of this joins together to make an enjoyable dining experience for your customers.

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Seasonal Produce

Using local, seasonal produce shows you care about the quality of your ingredients. It also means you’ll have fresh inspiration each season and will be able to keep customers coming back each time you update your menu. Consumers are becoming more savvy and don’t expect to eat out-of-season food that’s travelled thousands of air miles to end up on their plate. By focussing on seasonal ingredients, you’ll be supporting local producers, reducing your impact on the environment, and showing your customers you care about sustainable food production. Proper maintenance of your commercial freezer and refrigerator solutions will ensure you keep your local produce fresh and tasty for longer.

Imaginative Meat-Free Options

More and more people are reducing their meat consumption or cutting out meat and dairy altogether. Offering an exciting meat-free option and, ideally, a completely dairy-free option as well, will ensure you offer something for everyone. Many gastro pubs and restaurants are extremely short-sighted when it comes to meat-free offerings. The NHS estimates that around 1.2 million people in the UK are vegetarian, yet many establishments offer only a token meat-free option. Don’t forget, many families or groups of friends will contain at least one non-meat eater, so if you don’t offer an appealing vegetarian dish, you will lose out on business from larger groups, not just individuals.


Eating out has a reputation for being unhealthy, and best treated as an extravagance rather than an everyday occurrence. Including so-called superfoods in regular dishes can boost the health credentials of your menu. Highlighting the health benefits of certain ingredients, such as pomegranate, broccoli and blueberries, can help customers see that eating out needn’t be unhealthy. If you stock superfoods but are unsure about how best to store them to ensure they retain their maximum nutritional content and flavour, it may be worth looking at commercial refrigeration units and other commercial grade equipment.

Stepping away from gastro pub staples and embracing the demands of modern consumers will ensure you keep your tables full and your customers satisfied.

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