Clever Ways to Add Value to your Property

2 min read

Your property will most likely be the biggest single asset you own, so regular maintenance and improvements will ensure that your home at least holds its value, if not increasing it. Before spending money on your property, it’s prudent to look at what actions will reap the best return. Many things you can do yourself, but others require hiring a builder. This might set alarm bells ringing, thinking it will cost a fortune – but if the increase in value is significant enough, then it makes good sense. For Exeter Builders, go to Silverfern, a firm of Exeter Builders.

Extend your property

If you have the available space, you should definitely consider extending your property. A loft conversion, garage conversion or single storey extension are popular options. You’ll need to consult with a building firm but the added value of an extra room or rooms can be large.

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Consider a conservatory

A professionally constructed conservatory placed in the best position for sunshine will benefit any home greatly. A conservatory adds additional living space, increased natural light and will improve the value of your home. You should more than recoup your costs if you plan to sell with a high-quality conservatory attached.

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Extra Parking

Parking spaces are at a real premium especially in urban areas, with some areas selling spaces for thousands of pounds. You might need planning permission for significant changes but people will pay much more for a home with parking in an area where there is little or none at all.

Add a porch

For homes already tight on space with an extension, or for homes where extending isn’t an option, an attractive porch installation can add much-needed room and make the exterior of a property much more inviting.

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