Making Your Office Move Go Well

2 min read

Planning a move for your office? You may have outgrown your current space or no longer need your current office. You may be moving offices if you’ve started to grow and hire more staff. You will want to make the move as easy as possible if you have decided to take the plunge and bought or rented a new office space for your business.

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A top tip is to plan your move well in advance. Tell your staff as soon as possible about the move and the date you will be at the new premises. Send an email to your clients and suppliers in advance informing them of the move. This will ensure that correspondence does not get lost.

It is important to inform your utilities provider, phone company, and broadband provider so you can be reconnected as quickly and smoothly as possible. After all, you do not want to lose business because of a disconnected phone system! A well-planned move will be completed in a timely fashion with no disruption to your business operations.

It is important to do a clean out before you move. Clear out all the files and paperwork that you no longer require or should destroy due to data protection legislation. You should destroy confidential paperwork with a professional certification if you can. For information on Confidential paper shredding Oxford, consider a site like Printwaste.

Make arrangements for the removal of furniture you no longer require before you leave so that you do not have to move things you don’t want into your new premises. Order furniture well in advance so it can be delivered on the day you move into the new office or the weekend before staff are due to arrive on site. This will ensure that everyone will have everything they need from the beginning so they can hit the ground running. This will minimise the risk of disruption to your services too.

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After you’ve settled in, you might want to think about having a casual moving in event just to ensure that everyone is happy about the move, and to give anyone a chance to voice any opinions or views that can help moving forward. Once settled, invite clients and suppliers to visit you at your new site. This provides a great opportunity to show off your growth and credibility.

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