Roof Health Check

2 min read

Preventing problems is cheaper and more effective than repairing them, so catching potential issues early can save you from a lot of headaches especially when it comes to something as important as your roof. Here are some of the most common roof problems:


Roof leaks can be caused by a variety of factors. You can see if there are any leaks by examining the moisture and dampness in the loft. Humidity beneath the roof may cause mould or rot if not detected and repaired in a timely manner. If the wetness has reached the rafters then you should contact a roofing specialist. You’ll want to get any problems fixed if you are considering installing Solar Panels Exeter from a site like

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Water pooling

Standing water on the roof is a sign that something is wrong. It could be due to excessive buildup of debris in the gutters, which is affecting drainage. It’s important to contact a professional if you notice a “puddle” on your roof, particularly if it is a flat one.

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Tiles or slates damaged

High winds and stormy weather can crack or break tiles. Slate tiles that are attached with wood or nails will corrode over time and lose grip. This can make them more susceptible to weather damage. Sometimes you only need to replace one or a few roof tiles, but if they are in bad condition it may be necessary to re-roof the entire house.

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