What are keywords and why are they important for SEO?

2 min read

Any good SEO Consultant Dublin way such as www.rycomarketing.ie/seo-services/seo-consultant will spend a large portion of their day looking at keywords. This might be developing a keyword strategy for a new client, or looking at how keywords are performing in the search engine result rankings for their current clients.

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Keywords are words or phrases that individuals type into search engines to help find them products, services and information. They play an important role on any website and their inclusion in the technical, on-page and off-page aspects of any website can help improve a site’s visibility in the search engine results.

Keywords are important for a number of reasons and here are just a few of them.

  • Relevance – keywords help search engines to understand the relevance and the purpose of your website’s content. This means that by incorporating keywords into your content and other areas of your site you can help the search engines to understand what you offer to your customers and clients and what search engines queries you might help to solve.

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  • Traffic – when your website appears higher up in the search engine rankings, you will receive more traffic. This will then help to increase your sales conversions, and then your company’s overall profits. When you align your keywords to your business offering you are then able to attract more targeted customers who are interested in the products and services that you have to offer.

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