Why technical SEO is important?

2 min read

Search Engine Optimisation is key to any digital marketing strategy and a good SEO Consultant Dublin like www.rycomarketing.ie/seo-services/seo-consultant/ will help you to pull together a good SEO strategy. This might include a back link building campaign as well ensuring that all elements of technical SEO are completed.

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Technical SEO allows search engines like Bing and Google to assess the structure of your site and to value it high enough to place it in the search engine results pages. The aim being to have your website appear as high up in the listing results as possible. Websites that appear on the first page of Google have more customers seeing their websites and this then hopefully converts into paying customers.

There a number of elements of technical SEO and these include:

  • Making sure that your website is optimised for mobile devices. More and more people are using their phones to access the internet and it is important that your website is easy and efficient for them to use.

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  • The speed of your website is also important and this can be achieved by ensuring that your images are optimised and that you have browser caching enabled.
  • SSL certificates are important on websites, especially those that hold client data or take payments for goods and services. An SSL gives added security to your website as well as boosting your SEO.
  • Sitemaps of your site should be submitted to search engines. This lists the pages on your website and lets search engines find and then index your website so that it can appear in the results effectively.

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