Contact options for your website

2 min read

Having a website built by a Web Design Cheltenham company such as can be an exciting time for any business. There are a few things that you will need to think about to help the web designer create the perfect site for your business. This includes deciding whether you want a dedicated services page for each of your services, a blog for you to share information with your customers and also a contact page to make it easy for your customers to contact you.

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Here are some options when it comes to thinking about the contact options for your business.

  • Contact Details – the basic contact details that you will want to include on your website’s contact page will include your telephone number, a business address if you have one, and your email address. If you have dedicated departments to deal with specific queries, you might want to share each of these in a space on your website.

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  • Contact Form – many websites will have a contact form placed on the site to allow customers to email directly with their questions and queries. These can be a great option to help keep your customers on your site, rather than them having to go away to their email platform to contact you.
  • Social Media Channels – a popular way for your customers to get in contact with you is through your social media channels, so it is a good idea to have these available on your contact page.

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