Digital reputation, what they say about you and how to take advantage of it

5 min read

Do you know what is said about your brand or company on the Internet? That’s the digital reputation, very different from the brand image.

The image is abstract, intangible, but online reputation can be quantified, measured, and best of all, act quickly to play in our favor. The digital reputation is built on the comments and opinions of third parties. That can be both positive and negative.That is why it is so important to take care and monitor our online reputation. Many brands are not even aware of the digital conversation that is taking place around them. And therefore they are wasting an incredible opportunity to enhance the positive aspects. And above all to counteract the negative comments.

How to improve the digital reputation?

The first step, as in many other marketing tasks, is to put yourself in the shoes of the consumer. If someone wants to know a company, beyond their website where everything will be beautiful and rosy, the first thing you will do is to search Google.

1. Control Google searches:

Have you stopped to search for your company name followed by the word opinions? Take a look, you may find more of a surprise.Digital reputation, what they say about you and how to take advantage of it

If this is the case, do not panic, everything has a solution.The first thing is to try to solve the user’s problem. So that once solved publish all the information and comment how the problem has been solved.But this is not always possible. Well, because we arrive late, or because of company policy … In short, the casuistry can be very varied, but the fact is that the damage is already done. So, in this situation, we have no choice but to turn to our dear friend SEO web positioning. That is, we must work different pages, both on our website and external, to overcome the negative result. And in this way condemn this at least to the second page of results. It is not a simple task, but of course, it is possible.

2. Use Social Networks as a channel of Customer Service

Social networks today have many uses. News, entertainment, information … But more and more companies use them as a Customer Service channel. Especially Twitter. In fact, many brands have opened profiles solely and exclusively for this purpose.Today anyone can mention another profile, and receive a notification that they have mentioned us. And as all social networks leave a trace, when a user mentions us we should answer.Digital reputation, what they say about you and how to take advantage of it

If you look, what most companies do when they have this type of case is to invite the user to treat their incidence by MD. What does Direct Message Mean? In this way, the rest of the users stop following the conversation.Is this a transparent practice? Well, maybe not, but neither does it seem reasonable to leave that conversation open so that it can become an authentic crisis of digital reputation.

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3. Prepare an OMR (Online Management Reputation) plan

In the management of social networks, we must always have a contingency plan and type responses to our customers. It may also be applicable to other types of digital communications, as in the comments of a blog for example.Digital reputation, what they say about you and how to take advantage of it

It should specify the types of incidents, their severity, and how to act against each one. Transparency and left hand are always recommended. And above all, make it very clear who or what department is responsible. The poor community manager will not always have a solution to all the incidents, and in those cases, those responsible must be clearly defined to act quickly and not let it become a snowball.

4. Use tools to monitor the conversation

Very well, in social networks, it is easy because we receive notifications when they mention us. But what about the rest of the channels? How do I find out when someone mentions my product or my brand in forums or in an article?Digital reputation, what they say about you and how to take advantage of it

There are tools that track the web to detect the words we want and return the web pages where they appear. You can imagine if we are a known brand the task that can be this. So they are complex and payment tools.But there is a free tool that can be very useful: Google Alerts. It is very simple to configure. We simply choose the word or keywords that we want to monitor, and we choose the frequency with which you will send us an email. Every day, every week or every month. And in that email, we will see all the new pages where our brand or product is mentioned. And so we can be alert and informed.

5. Reinforce positive comments and solve doubts

Although in The U.S.A we are more to complain than to praise others, you will also find positive comments. Do not miss this opportunity to reinforce these messages and give thanks to users who also comment on the positive aspects.And above all, solve the doubts of your customers or potential customers. Especially in social networks, but in any communication channel that leaves a trace, it is good to answer the questions that users ask us.


So important is that on Facebook, depending on how long it takes you to respond to the messages on your company page, they will give you a badge or not.We hope that this article has made you reflect on the importance of knowing what is said about us on the internet. That’s the digital reputation. And above all, that you have decided to investigate it. It is not going to be that you lose clients by negative comments that had an easy solution.

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