How on-page SEO can help your business

2 min read

SEO or search engine optimisation is a method that is used by digital marketers and Web design Dublin companies such as to help your website rank highly in the search engine results. Whenever someone types in a search into a platform such as Google or Bing, the search engines will search through their databases to find websites that have phrases that are either similar or exactly the same as those typed in. Along with a number of other factors, the search engines will then rank these results in the order that they think will be most useful and accurate for the user.

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On-page SEO is just one of the types of SEO that can be completed and it looks specifically at all of the elements that are included on your site. This consists of the content that you write and the keywords that are included in this. The keywords will be based on the products or services that you offer and may also contain your geographic region. It is important that these words and phrases appear naturally in your text.

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You can also add alt tags into your images that explain what the image is displaying and it is also possible to include your keywords in these. There are other elements of On-page SEO that should be considered which include the titles of your pages, the meta descriptions that appear on the search engines and URLs that are given for each of your pages.

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