Key figures you need to know in your business

2 min read

Any business needs to be aware of how successful it is in a number of key areas, and many of these can be determined very easily. When it comes to looking at how a business is performing, the areas that the business owner and the senior management team need to focus on will include some of the following.

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Profits – knowing what profits your business makes is key to understanding how well the business is performing. This will mean keeping on top of your bookkeeping, and this can be best done by working with a Bookkeepers Braintree company such as as they can ensure your business financial reports are kept up to date.

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Retention – knowing both your customer retention and staff retention levels will help you to understand how popular your products and services are and also how loyal they are to your business. Low retention rates, particularly in staffing, can show that there are some fundamental issues with your business that will need to be addressed.

Projections – as well as knowing where your business is now in terms of its financial position, it is useful to have some projections as to where you plan your business to be in a year, three years and even in five years’ time. This will give you goals to work towards and will also help you with any financing that you may apply for in the future.

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