Planning to Run a Smallholding as a Business

2 min read

If the idea of earning a living by running a smallholding appeals to you, then here are some of the things that you need to know before you start out…

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First of all, as with any business, you need to do your research. Having a good idea of your target market and the type and number of products that you will need to produce to make money is all important research when you are planning a business, and it is no different for a smallholding.

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Decide where you will sell your products. It might be that there are local farmers markets where you can get a stall, or you might want to set up an online order system. You might want to establish a shop of your own on the land. Making sure that people know who you are and what you produce is important, so also plan out your marketing strategy to get the word out there.

You will also need to work out what it will cost to set it up, and make sure that it is within your budget. From buying the land to the stock that you will need, as well as the running costs and costs of any machinery that you might need, such as these Solis tractors for example are all things that you need to plan out and be aware of before so that you don’t run out of money before you have even started.

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