The Five Things that Make a Warehouse More Efficient

2 min read

Running a warehouse can be stressful and hard work, especially at this time of the year. In the run up to Christmas, many supply chains come under much more pressure due to the higher demand. Here are some of the things that make up the running of an efficient warehouse…

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Layout – The layout of a warehouse is really important – from a safety perspective, risks should of course be taken into account when designing a warehouse layout, as well as the need to move things around in an efficient way.

Storage – How things are stored are also important – disorganised storage can really reduce the efficiency of a warehouse, as well as creating safety hazards for the people who are working there.

Training – Staff working in the warehouse should all be well trained. As well as being important from a health and safety perspective, staff should have a good understanding of their job role and what is expected of them, and where they fit in as part of a larger team.

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Equipment – The equipment that can be used now to make it easier to run a warehouse can really help. From modern machinery, to software like this bonded warehouse management from Gaina, keep on top of technology and how it can be a benefit to your warehouse operation.

Planning – Good planning is crucial when you want to run your warehouse smoothly. Planning for things that might go wrong, as well as advance planning for inkling and outgoing stock is important.

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