How to make a classic raspberry and sherry trifle

2 min read

One of the trends of recent years when it comes to desserts is to make a ‘deconstructed’ version of a dessert that we all know and love. However, you just can’t beat the comfort or taste of a classic raspberry and sherry trifle, which should be one that comes in a big bowl and needs to be eaten with a big spoon! Here, we show you how easy it is to make one for yourself.

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According to the Daily Mail, one of the most popular desserts in the 1980s was the trifle, and the same could be said today, as it is a classic which is easy to make, yet it can look and taste amazing. If you have less than 30 minutes to spare and don’t want to make anything that requires cooking, then look no further.

What you will need

You will need something to put your trifle in. This should ideally be a large glass serving bowl. You will also need trifle sponges (shop bought is best for this), some custard (either fresh, homemade or a packet mix), some dry sherry and frozen raspberries, as well as fresh ones for garnish. You will also need double cream, caster sugar and some toasted flaked almonds.

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How to make it

First, you need to line the base of the bowl with the trifle sponges and then soak them with the dry sherry. Leave them to soak for a few minutes, before covering with the frozen raspberries. You could try to enhance the natural flavour of the raspberries with some raspberry food flavouring, such as that from online stores like

Next, you will need to pour whatever type of custard you are using over the raspberries and leave it in the fridge for approximately 15 minutes or until the custard has set. Whisk the cream with the sugar until it forms soft peaks and then spoon it over the custard. Sprinkle the almonds on the cream and leave it in the fridge for a few hours, before finally adding the fresh raspberries to serve.

Hopefully, this has inspired you to buy all the ingredients when you are next out shopping and to have a go at making this classic but very easy dessert. It’s sure to be a hit with whoever you serve it to.

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