Making expense claims quicker

2 min read

The art of claiming expenses is a skill that many of us learn as soon as we enter the world of employment. No sooner have we taken a job do we realise that the everyday costs we incur can be offset by claiming them back through the company. Have you ever given a client a lift to the station? Have you ever bought lunch for a client or a coffee? Have you ever had to make a purchase of something to enable you to do your job? All of these things can be claimed back via expenses, or at least if it’s the company policy to do so. One expense that can be made easier is the claiming of fuel.

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Fuel Cards, for example, are excellent ways of tracking the amount of spending you are making, plus you shouldn’t have to delve into your own pocket to pay for the business trip. For more info click here.

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For an expense claim the be successful, and right first time, you need to prepare. As with everything in life, fail to prepare, prepare to have your expense claim rejected. The best move that you can do is to keep all of your receipts. However, do not just shove them in a box and dig them out when you remember. Instead, create a file, staple each one to a sheet, retain whatever acts as a receipt, and review it every month.

You are sure to get a better return rate if you do.

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