What is On-Page SEO

2 min read

Search Engine Optimisation is a number of ways that you can collectively improve your search ranking position. This can be achieved with on-page and off-page SEO tactics. Off-page involves articles being written about your business and shared on other sites with a backlink to your website. On-page SEO looks at elements that need to be included on your site itself. It is always a good idea to work with an SEO Belfast company when you are looking to implement an SEO strategy.

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If you were wondering what an agency like Ryco SEO Belfast Provider might implement for on-page SEO, here is a quick overview.

  • Good quality content is one of the most important factors for on-page SEO. This includes rich content that shares information about your business. This content could be the text that you have on your web pages or it could be an article that you share on your blog. Either way, you need to think about the keywords that you should be including.

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  • Title tags need to be carefully thought about and should be no longer than 60 characters. It is also important that you don’t stuff the title with too many keywords, but that you use words that will attract people to want to read more.
  • A meta description is the description of the page that appears in the search engines. You can customise this for each of your pages. You need to keep it within the 120 characters that are displayed on a mobile device.

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