Why you should consider taking part in a clinical trial

3 min read

Clinical trials are at the forefront of modern medical breakthroughs, helping to find new ways to detect, prevent and treat all kinds of diseases. If you want to do your bit for humanity, participating in a clinical trial is a worthy cause indeed.

The type of treatments involved in trials could include anything from new drugs, new combinations of existing drugs, an innovative procedure or device or a new way of looking at existing treatments. The aim of which is to establish if such treatments are safe and are effective.

Other care related aspects are also examined during clinical trials. For example, discovering new ways to help the care and quality of life for those with a chronic illness.

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Why do people take part?

There can be a number of reasons why people choose to engage in a clinical trial. For healthy volunteers, it might be a desire to do something worthwhile and helpful for others who might be suffering. For trials involving people who are unwell with a certain disease, it can be about others in the same situation but also the hope that any new treatment will significantly improve their quality of life and care.

Clinical trials are a win-win for medical professionals and patients. They offer hope for a lot of people and help researchers develop better treatments and understand more about human biology and human health.

Where can I find further information?

If you’re interested in finding out more about participation in trials, you can visit the NHS website or for details of Adaptive Phase 1 Studies, visit www.richmondpharmacology.com/adaptive-phase-i-studies.php

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Advantages of being in a trial:

For those with a chronic condition, they may be given a treatment that works which would not normally be available.

You will be helping people in the future.

You will have access to more blood tests and CT scans which for healthy or ill patients could provide peace of mind and you’ll also receive longer consultations with doctors and nurses. If you’re the sort of person who appreciates receiving great care and attention free of charge, then you’ll benefit from participating in a clinical trial.

Of course, with a paid trial, there’s also the motivation and benefit of receiving payment for being involved.

Some people are drawn to trials because they care deeply about the advancement of medicine and medical knowledge. Perhaps they have lost a loved one to a specific disease and want to devote their time to further research in this area.

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