Activated charcoal for teeth whitening: contraindications to use

3 min read

Teeth whitening is required for almost everyone. Food colors, tobacco smoke inevitably leave traces on the enamel, making the smile not so bright. Among domestic ways of brightening it is very popular bleaching activated carbon. But is it so effective, and most importantly, this method is harmless, how is it considered?

Contraindications to use

This remedy is practically safe even if it is swallowed. It is quite harmless activated charcoal for gums and mucous membranes of the mouth cavity.

Still, small particles of the means are able to give a more negative effect to those who have:

  • Increased abrasion or naturally thin layer of tooth enamel. The action of activated carbon is based on its abrasive properties. With the problems mentioned, the enamel will not be cleaned, but even more traumatized and thinner;
  • Increased bleeding gums. Despite the neutral chemical composition, the particles of the drug, getting into the wound, even more, scratch and annoy them;
  • Too sensitive enamel. It’s cleansing with activated charcoal will make the sensations unbearable. The surface of the teeth will feel even the touch of air;
  • The recent wearing of braces. After they are removed from the enamel, the remaining adhesive is scraped off, so it becomes particularly sensitive. To rub it with activated charcoal would mean even more traumatizing;
  • For those who have all the tissues just formed, the use of abrasive compounds is undesirable because of too active influence, which can disrupt the natural development of enamel. Keep reading

Similar difficulties with the use of this tool for bleaching can occur in people with strong teeth if you use it too often. Activated charcoal teeth whitening will be useful in this capacity, not more than once a week. And someone has 2 cleansing per month. Otherwise, even a strong enamel can be injured, like gums. Excessive amounts of funds are also capable of harm. More than one tablet at a time should not be used.

Methods of clarifying enamel

There are several techniques for the use of activated carbon as an enamel brightening agent.

They are safer to use depending on the degree of sensitivity:

  • Crush 1 tablet into a powder, add the same amount of toothpaste, mix. The resulting composition brush your teeth;
  • 1 dose of activated carbon mash, pour a few drops of water to get gruel. The agent is used as a cleaning powder, dip a damp toothbrush into it;
  • Pound the tablet and put a finger on the enamel, hold for 5-10 minutes. While the remedy is on the surface of the teeth, you can rub them with wet gauze;
  • To chew the dry dose of activated carbon for 5 minutes;
  • Mix in the same amount of black powder and baking soda.
  • Distribute the mixture over the surface of the teeth, protecting the gums from it. Keep this mixture cannot last longer than 7 minutes. If the enamel is naturally sensitive, this way of bleaching should be avoided.

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