Questions to ask when moving home

2 min read

If you have recently enlisted the services of a Conveyancing Cheltenham company such as Montpelier Legal to help you move home you may have a number of questions about the process. Here are a number of important questions for you to ask.

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  • Who – it is important to find out who is going to be working on your case. In some instances, this may be a team of people depending on the type of legal work that is required. Having a single person you can communicate with, it will make the process much less stressful for you.
  • Communication – when the searches are being undertaken on your property it is normal to go what feels like long periods of time without hearing anything from your conveyancer. It is worth asking them how often you can expect to hear from them so you can prepare for any quiet periods.

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  • Costs – most conveyancing firms like the ones mentioned above will outline all their costs to you at the start of your working relationship with them. It is also worth asking for the prices of any additional searches that may be needed on the property so you can create a contingency fund just in case.
  • Approval – it is important to ensure that the conveyancing team that you are using is approved by your mortgage lender as if they are not you may be liable for additional costs that can quickly add up to large sums of money.

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