Do I need a company page on LinkedIn?

2 min read

LinkedIn is one of the most popular networking websites for professionals, but many companies avoid using it as they don’t think that having an account will benefit them.

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In reality, this can be a big mistake, as LinkedIn is a great way to keep your customers informed about your company, your products, your current deals and any job openings. Here is everything you need to know about why you should create a company page on LinkedIn.

The benefits of a company page

LinkedIn is one of the best websites for professionals, and it currently has over 460 million users across the globe. Despite this, lots of businesses avoid using it as they think that it is mostly used by spammers and online recruiters.

While there are definitely spammers and recruiters on LinkedIn, there are also thousands of potential customers and employees that you can connect with. According to Small Business, a LinkedIn page will help to attract new talent, which can help simplify the hiring process. It will also help your company to establish credibility as it increases your online presence.

You are also more likely to find an engaged audience on LinkedIn. A recent study found that LinkedIn is responsible for nearly 70% of all homepage referrals, which is much higher than Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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Clearly, there are lots of benefits to creating a company page on LinkedIn. If you want to create a company account, here’s what you need to get started.

What you need to start a company page

It is fairly simple to create a company account on LinkedIn, but there are a few requirements that every company must meet if they want to create an account. The requirements are:

You need to have a personal LinkedIn account with your correct name. The account must be at least a week old.
Your account needs to have a few connections.
You need to be a current employee at the business that you want to start a page for. The company also needs to be listed on your current profile.
You have a company email address.
Your company email address must have a unique domain (not Gmail or Outlook).

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