Important laws for employers to follow

2 min read

Employment Law is a large part of the legal system and the rules and regulations contained within them are there to protect employers and their employees. It helps to protect them against discrimination, any unfair treatment that could result in a Constructive Dismissal claim from a business like Employment Law Friend and to ensure their safety.

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Some key pieces of legislation that it is important for businesses to be aware of includes:

Employment Relations Act 1999 – this includes the right for an employee to be accompanied by a relevant person during disciplinary hearings and the right to time off from work for maternity, paternity and dependency needs.

Employment Rights Act 1996 – this is the largest piece of legislation and covers everything from reduction and unfair dismissal through to all the areas that need to be included in a contract of employment.

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National Minimum Wage Act 1998 – this sets out the minimum wages that people can be paid based on their age and employment status.

Maternity & Paternity Leave etc Regulations 1999 – this highlights the amount of time that parents can take off after the birth of their child. It also covers the unpaid leave requirement until the child is aged 18.

Part-Time Workers Regulations 2000 – this regulation was put in place to ensure that part-time employees are treated fairly and equally to their full-time counterparts.

Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 – this was put in place to protect employees rights in the event of a business being taken over by another organisation.

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