Public Administration and Political Curricula Remain Relevant for the Future

3 min read

With the events of the last few years, awareness of politics and activism has heightened significantly. Global attention has focused even more intensely on events in the United States, such as the 2016 presidential election, the Black Lives Matter movement and the push for marriage equality. Traditional concerns, such as political fundraising, remain important. However, those are also affected by new developments and innovations. While domestic and worldwide landscapes continue to change, higher education institutions keep pace so that their students are prepared for these new realities.

Public Administration Programs Include a Global Focus

While public policy curricula at many colleges and universities are domestically focused, their faculty recognize the benefit of keeping an eye on trends in other nations. With the growing interconnectedness that’s characteristic of a changing international community, this is no surprise. For example, the Master of Public Administration program at the University of Southern California addresses the need for a global view, citing public service efforts in Canada, Columbia, Iceland and other nations.Click here to learn more about USC’s online MPA program. Although conditions in these countries differ from those in the United States, public administration experts here may be able to learn from these examples.

Furthermore, some concerns have become universally important in nearly every part of the world. Although they may play out differently due to varying laws and customs, both governments and public policy officials understand the need for solutions. For instance, disabled people in Indonesia are dealing with issues similar to those in the United States. Global Public Policy Watch revealed this in a December 2016 article, highlighting problems such as reduced access to healthcare, employment, education and other critical needs.

Campaign Fundraising in the 21st Century

The practice of fundraising for political campaigns has a long history in this country. We’re not in the days of President George Washington, but it’s interesting to note that his actions were likely the first impetus for campaign finance laws. A Ballotpedia article on the subject revealed that his act of buying booze for friends in an attempt to win a seat in the Virginia House of Burgesses prompted a ban on gifts in exchange for votes in 1757.

In this modern age, some truths remain constant. A recent article published by the George Washington University’s Master’s in Political Management site emphasized the need for effective fundraising to operate a candidate’s political campaign, offering some intelligent considerations when trying to get the support of donors. Giving compelling reasons to back the candidate, addressing concerns and budgeting for outreach efforts are all vital in successfully obtaining financial support.

Graduate Programs Continue to Forge Ahead

Public administration and political management curricula at many higher education institutions ensure that they keep an eye on both current and future developments. At the same time, they remain committed to teaching sound principles that form the basics of each discipline. With a newer focus on the global scene as well as shifting social and political climates, their programs prepare learners to serve in their chosen fields.

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