Create a Blog for Your Business

3 min read

In the age of Web 2.0 interaction with netizens is essential. For this reason, today, blogs are one of the most useful tools to manage the presence of a brand or business on the Web.

The corporate blog is the best way to approach the customers of a company, idea to say: “These are our products and we do this, for these reasons …”

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In addition, it is a very flexible and inexpensive tool, since, unlike others like WordPress, allow to create authentic Web pages, with great ease of management and for free.

Also, as long as it is well managed, it will be a great tool to offer value to the customer and generate adequate feedback with the company. Therefore, here we will give you a series of tips to efficiently create and manage the corporate business blog:

  1. Creating appropriate content increases traffic on the blog and creates loyalty in the visitor, which will repeat if you believe that What you read or see is interesting.
  2. It is about being exclusive, offering what others do not offer. That is why it is crucial to know who you are targeting, what your target is and see what the competition is doing to be different and differentiate us.
  3. It is fundamental that the blog has good visibility on the Web. Apart from SEO strategies, it is interesting to create “routes” that lead to the blog, so use tools that can be considered “satellites”, such as Twitter, Flickr or YouTube.
  4. Our ultimate goal is the sale and advertising of our brand, but we must avoid talking about ourselves more than necessary. The first objective has to be the customer.
  5. Enter the conversation with the client and do not try to control it. It uses a language far from the formality of business, looking for a close and personal approach.
  6. Remember that a blog is a bi-directional tool. Therefore, you have to be prepared for the comments that you make the customers, for good and for bad. In the case that you receive criticism, you must answer, ask why it seems bad, and tell you that you will analyze it and you will take it into account.
  7. Do not try to censor anything that customers write, even if it’s silly. In the network, you could rebel and multiply by a thousand what you want to hide.
  8. Participate actively in the blogosphere. “Blogging is not just writing the post, it is linking to others”. Recommend what you see and leave comments on others. When you link another person’s blog, that person will always be curious to know who has linked you. It will enter into yours, leave a comment … Search another hundred blogs that talk about your topic and become a user.
  9. Contributions should be open: since the blog is a social medium, participation should not be reserved for communication or public relations departments, but open to anyone with a good idea.
  10. The content should not be limited to the business: this can be very boring or redundant for the readers. The idea is to provide content that entertains or enriches.
  11. It is convenient to create a central theme to publish the contents so that the user knows what they will find.
  12. Try to promote interaction with the reader. You will get it by entering questions, dialoguing in the comments or integrating the blog with Facebook.

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