Body care during pregnancy

4 min read

During pregnancy, many women bloom properly. Your skin is soft and rosy. But pregnancy does not have this effect in all women. The higher hormone production can lead, for example, to a dry skin. The area of the abdomen, where the skin has to expand extremely, requires special attention during skin care.

Basically, you should do what is good to you! Many pregnant women find it very relaxing to bathe because they feel weightless in the water. Too often bathing is not recommended, however, especially in the case of dry skin, since the skin is extracted by the long bath in the water natural fat. Too long bathing times can also stress the circulation. Therefore, be careful not to set the water temperature too hot during bathing.

If your skin is particularly prone to dryness, you should use shower gels, as highly foaming products can irritate the skin and remove moisture. A good tip is also to spoil the body after the shower or the bath with a rich body lotion.

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Your body changes during pregnancy. Also, your skin or your hair can change in comparison to before. Your body produces more hormones than before and may now need a different care. Your skin may now grease more or the skin will feel dried out sooner. The hair can also fatten or dry out faster. The most important thing is: listen to your body. Be prepared for your new needs and use care products that fit you. If you are unsure, you can seek advice, for example in a pharmacy, your midwife, your doctor or your doctor.during pregnancy

During the summer months, you should take special care to apply for sufficient light protection. Especially during pregnancy, the skin can react particularly sensitively to the sun – therefore your daily cream for the face should also contain a sunscreen. Also, pigment spots can occur more intensively during pregnancy – but do not worry, a few months after birth, they usually disappear by themselves. When the pigment spots or pimples are intensified in the face (forehead, chin and cheek part), one often speaks of one Referred to as “Pregnancy Mask”. But also this is harmless and disappears after birth.during pregnancy

Compared with the peccary, which had been used in Denmark as an antidote to women since the 1980s, the pill had already been a significant step forward from the perspective of young women.

Whether pregnancy strips develop depends primarily on the connective tissue. It is therefore often unavoidable that pregnancy strips are created – for the connective tissue can hardly be altered. However, the connective tissue can be positively influenced by regular exercise and a healthy diet. In order to support the skin, you can also ensure that it is always supplied with sufficient moisture. For dry skin, it is advisable to select a care product which has a re-greasing effect. A cream with almond oil, for example, is suitable for this purpose. In addition, you can massage your skin gently or gently to increase the elasticity. So you can prevent pregnancy.during pregnancy

Hair dyes usually contain chemical substances, which the body absorbs in small amounts. There are, however, no studies that would prove that the coloring of the hair during pregnancy has an adverse effect on the unborn child – but the opposite is not proven. If you want to be safe, you should abstain from dying during pregnancy (especially in the first 12 weeks). Alternatively, you can avoid the use of purely vegetable dyes which do not contain any chemical substances.

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Can I paint my nails during my pregnancy? Nail paints and nail polish removers contain solvents and plasticizers which are toxic. These substances should not be inhaled. Whether the substances have a deleterious effect on the unborn child has not been clarified, but the amounts that are inhaled during painting are so low that the child is unlikely to be harmed. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to some things when you want to paint the nails during pregnancy: Make sure that the room is well-ventilated. Even better, if the window is wide open, so you do not inhale the fumes. When removing the lacquer it is recommended to use an acetone-free nail polish remover.during pregnancy

Do I need to pay attention to dental care during pregnancy? Many people do not think that the oral cavity also changes during pregnancy. The gingival is more strongly perused, which can lead to more frequent gum bleeding and thus to inflammation. Also, the risk for caries increases on the one hand by the hormonal conversion and on the other by the changed eating habits, which can arise during the course of a pregnancy.

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