Easy ways to add value to your home

2 min read

Lots of people want to add value to their home. Some people want to sell their home so that they can move up the property ladder. Others simply want to improve their home so that it is more efficient and beautiful.


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Whatever the reason, there are a few surefire ways to add value to your home. Here are three things that you can do to make your home more valuable.

Extend your home

One of the easiest ways to add value to your home is to build an extension or a loft conversion. Both of these methods will add extra space to your home, and you can do anything with the new room. Popular options include a larger kitchen, an extra bedroom, a conservatory, an office or a utility room.

While an extension may feel like a big expense, it’s nearly always worth it. It’s much cheaper to build property than it is to buy property, and you can significantly increase the value of your home with an extension. According to Nationwide, a bedroom and en-suite extension can increase the value of a three bedroom house by up to 23%, and an extra bathroom can add up to 6%.

Replace your flooring

Flooring is often overlooked when people are thinking about increasing the value of their home, but this can be a big mistake. Old, worn flooring can lower the value of your home, whereas new flooring can increase its value and help you sell your home quickly. If you don’t want to spend too much on new flooring, consider vinyl floors. These are inexpensive and there are lots of patterns and styles to choose from. You can find a wide range of vinyl flooring on websites such as UK Flooring Direct (http://www.ukflooringdirect.co.uk/vinyl-flooring).

Fix small (but obvious) defects

Small defects may not seem important, but they often stop homes selling at their optimum price. Some defects that will put buyers off include mould, peeling paint, dripping taps, loose tiles, damaged windows and cracks in ceilings. Repairing these defects is easy and inexpensive, and the repairs can prevent the defects from turning into big problems – for example, cracks can cause structural problems that will significantly decrease the value of your home.

From fixing cracks to replacing flooring, there are lots of easy ways to add value to your home.

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