Boost your website security with these tips

Website security is important for a number of reasons. Not only can cyberattacks take time and money to resolve, they may damage your brand, lose valuable customers, and can also negatively impact your SEO rankings. Outlined below are a number of tips to help you boost your website security.

Use strong passwords

Strong passwords for your website management platform will help ensure that only authorised people can access it and make changes or additions.

A strong password should consist of a combination of uppercase letters, numbers, lowercase letters, and special characters. It can be worth using a password manager tool to generate and store complex passwords for you.

Consider two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA, is essentially a second layer of defence. If by some miracle your password is cracked/guessed, then 2FA is a second level that the cyberattackers would have to get past to access your website system.

The most common types of 2FA are a code sent to a registered mobile phone, facial recognition, and fingerprint scans. The last two are almost impossible for cyberattackers to ‘fake’, and they are unlikely to have access to your mobile phone.

Train your team well

Human error is the primary cause of over 90% of cybersecurity breaches.

Anyone who has access to your site should be trained so that they understand all protocols and best practices. This should include password basics, how to spot phishing emails, and how to run automatic security updates. Training should be refreshed regularly to include any updates and any new software.

SEO agencies

If you feel you could benefit from professional assistance when it comes to SEO, and have been wondering “Is there an SEO agency near me?”, there are a number of specialists, such as, who can offer advice and services.

Use security software

There are a number of useful security plugins available. These can alert you to malware, failed logins, suspicious spikes in website traffic, and more. Many also feature a web application firewall, which essentially adds another layer of protection.

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